Ever since I have a deep interest for art in all its forms. While I've built my career around photography and design, my passion for art has been a constant companion.
I take immense pleasure in painting and experimenting with various artistic styles and techniques. Street Art and Pop Art, in particular, have always held a special fascination for me.
Even while pursuing a successful career in photography and design, I've always had these personal art projects simmering on the side. In 2021, I decided to give them more of my focus. This website is my way of sharing this journey with you, a place where I can explore, experiment, and express myself through art.

In my art works I combine different materials and techniques to achive interesting contrasts in haptics and colors. I'm inspired by the diverse optical qualities of mediums such as acrylics, resin, wood, paper, and plaster, each offering its unique texture and appearance. It's in the interplay of these materials what sets the foundation for my creative process. Besides working with ink pens, brushes and spray cans, one of my distinctive approaches involves transforming my photographs into stencils or collages, bridging the realms of my photography and traditional artistry. In terms of content my style can best be described as a blend of Pop Art, Street Art, Calligraphy, and Portraiture.